Another Perfect Plant: Eranthis hyemalis


As Seattle’s “snowpocalypse” finally begins to wane, it seems only fitting to feature the cold-loving winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis).

The cheerful yellow blossoms of this buttercup relative are among the first to emerge in late winter through early spring, and are even known to push their way up through snow. 

Winter aconite benefits from protection by deciduous plants, which allows for sun exposure in winter and shade during the hot summer months. In the right conditions, it will naturalize and spread over time.

Notable cultivars include ‘Aurantiaca’, with pale, creamy orange flowers, as well as double-flowering forms such as ‘Gothenburg’ and ‘Eleanor.’ Eranthis makes a colorful woodland border when combined with other early-flowering bulbs such as Crocus and Galanthus.


Pacific Bulb Society

Missouri Botanical Garden

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

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